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Updating or Fixing a Merge Request

A merge request can be easily updated for code updates or comment descriptions. In this case, there is no need to create a new branch, push a new branch, or create a new merge request. All of the work can be done on an existing branch.

If you have the local branch that was used to push code,

	git checkout <local_branch_name>

If you do not have the local branch that was used to push your code on your system you can obtain the latest code by executing,

	lab mr checkout <mrID> # output will indicate local_branch_name

Users should put the MR into Draft status before making any changes,

	lab mr edit <mrID> --draft

At this point the user can use standard git commands (git rebase, git commit, etc.) to modify the local branch. Before modifying code users should read CommitRules.

After the changes are complete users can force push to their fork

	git push -f <fork_name> <local_branch_name>

and then remove the draft status of the MR. This will alert reviewers that the code is ready for review.

	lab mr edit <mrID> --ready