CentOS Stream Kernel Documentation
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Compile `lab`

GitLab lab & Go

The recommended tools (lab) are written in go. The tools are packaged as RPMs and are available from COPR. Instructions on installing the RPMs from COPR are provided below.

Users wishing to use a bleeding edge version of lab, must install the widely used go compiler and executable in their environments.

To install go in RHEL8 or RHEL9 [Verified Tue Sep 7 2021]:

	yum -y install /usr/bin/go # can be installed from AppStream repo

To install go in Fedora34 [Verified Tue Sep 7 2021]:

	yum -y install /usr/bin/go

RPM installation

The RPM package is available in a COPR repo. Users must enable the rhkernel-devtools repository to use it through dnf:

dnf copr enable -y bmeneguele/rhkernel-devtools

Users can now install the bichon tool using the default package by executing:

dnf install -y lab

Packaging bugs can be reported by opening up issues at https://gitlab.com/ptalbert/rhkernel-devtools.