Lab - Gitlab utility
An overview of the gitlab lab utility and how to use it to perform basic contributor and reviewer actions on the command line with Red Hat kernels hosted on GitLab. Bugs and feature requests for the lab utility can be filed at
Readers are assumed to have knowledge of git, the GitLab workflow, and the RHEL kernel development process.
The code examples below are based on the author’s use of the lab utility. You must replace occurrences of ‘prarit’ with your own username in all command line examples below. The examples also assume that an ssh key has been configured for use with GitLab.
Readers will recognize that many ‘lab’ commands are wrappers around standard git commands. For example the ‘lab clone’ is a wrapper around ‘git clone’. This behaviour is planned to change in a few releases.
Installing and configuring the ‘lab’ Utility
The user may choose between installing a pre-built RPM package or by building it manually.
RPM installation
The RPM package is available in a COPR repo. Users must enable the rhkernel-devtools repository to use it through dnf:
dnf copr enable -y bmeneguele/rhkernel-devtools
Users can now install the lab tool using the default package by executing:
dnf install -y lab
Note: RHEL and Fedora users may have different versions of the lab tool. Fedora packages may get upgraded to pre-release versions, while RHEL packages will always point to the latest stable version.
Packaging bugs can be reported by opening up issues at
Manual build
Users must install usr/bin/go on their systems before building ‘lab’. Users can build ‘lab’ by executing,
git clone cd lab make
The ‘make’ command will take some time as go package dependencies are resolved. After completion, move the lab command to somewhere in your $PATH, and then change directories before attempting to configure lab.
To configure lab, simply execute
and the utility will query for configuration information. The first query will be for the default GitLab host. For the RHEL, CentOS, and ARK projects select the default of '' by hitting the Enter key.
Enter GitLab host (default:
The next step is to enter a GitLab Personal Access Token (PAT):
Create a token with scope 'api' here: Enter default GitLab token, or leave blank to provide a command to load the token:
At this step you can enter the token as hidden text, or leave the entry to use a password manager (ex. Bitwarded, pass, lastpass, etc.). If left blank, lab will request the password manager command to retrieve the token
Enter command to load the token:
If all is successful, the configuration will complete with a
Config saved to ~/.config/lab/lab.toml
message. This configuration file is the global lab configuration file written in toml. The format was chosen for its similarity to git configuration files.
Troubleshooting lab
Was lab installed from COPR? In general, users are encouraged to use the version in COPR.
Are you sure your Personal Access Token (PAT) is for scope “API”? lab requires a PAT of scope “API”. If you plan to use HTTPS protocol, then the PAT must also have “read_repository” and “write_repository” scopes set.
Does ~/.config/lab/lab.toml contain your host, user, and PAT? If the file does not contain entries for the host, user, and PAT, delete the file and try the configuration again. A correct file may look as follows:
~$ cat .config/lab/lab.toml [core] host = "" token = "sj-184annNGsgoobelgooq" user = "myuser" ~$
I see an error similar to
2021/01/14 13:50:19 [DEBUG] GET[ ]
2021/01/14 13:50:20 config.go:195: GET[ ] 401 {message: 401 Unauthorized}
Error: User authentication failed. This is likely due to a misconfigured Personal Access Token. Verify the token or token_load config settings before attempting to authenticate.
Check that ~/.config/lab/lab.toml contains entries for the host, user, and PAT, and make sure that you are executing in a gitlab repository.
I see strange strings like []11;rgb:dddd/dddd/ddddG or []11;rgb:fdfd/f6f6/e3e3G at the beginning and the end of output of lab commands.
These were resolved in an upstream commit after version 0.19. Please upgrade to the
latest version of lab.
Lab bugs can be reported by opening up issues at
Developer Actions
The common developer actions are forking a project, cloning a project, creating a branch, pushing a branch, and creating a merge request. Users can verify project access by executing
lab project list --member
Forking a Project
A project can be forked by executing
git clone # The above command will fail if you have insufficient permissions for the project. # See link:[Red Hat and GitLab Configuration] for information. cd kernel-test lab fork # fork located at
The fork process is the same process used on the gitlab webUI to create a fork. The kernel has a large codebase and the fork command may take some time to complete. In general, forks are created in the user’s namespaces as<username>/<project_name>;.
Cloning a Forked Project
A project can be cloned by executing a clone command on your resulting fork. For example,
git clone
Cloning the project will result in a different remote structure than forking a project. It is recommended you execute
git remote add _prarit_ git remote remove origin git remote add origin
so that the resulting remotes are (as seen with ‘git remote -v’),
origin (fetch) origin (push) prarit (fetch) prarit (push)
Alternatively you can name origin as ‘upstream’. If you choose to do that please replace ‘origin’ with ‘upstream’ below.
Users should note that the lab utility special cases ‘upstream’ and ‘origin’ as remotes. If you choose another name for the upstream/origin remote you must execute ‘git push -u <remote>’ to appropriately set the upstream remote.
Creating a branch and modifying code
Branches can be created by executing
git checkout -b <branch_name> # make some changes to code git commit -s <files>
git branch <branch_name> git checkout <branch_name> # make some changes to code git commit -s <files>
Creating a Merge Request on gitlab
There are two methods that can be used to create a merge request. The first method uses ‘lab push’ to directly create the merge request, and the second is a two-step process to push the branch to origin, and then separately creating the merge request. Both can be completed on the command line using ‘lab’.
Single Step Merge Request
To create a merge request in one command, execute
git push -o merge_request.create -o merge_request.remove_source_branch -u _prarit_ <branch_name>
or, to create merge request that targets a specific branch, execute
git push -o merge_request.create -o merge_request.remove_source_branch -o<target_branch_name> -u _prarit_ <branch_name>
Two Step Merge Request
To create a merge request, execute
git checkout <branch_name> git push _prarit_ <branch_name> # in some cases this may be ‘git push -u’ lab mr create origin # this must be executed on <branch_name>
The third command, ‘lab mr create’ will open a $GIT_EDITOR window and provide an opportunity to change your merge request description and verify the actions you are making. This is one of the reasons the two step merge request process may be preferable to users submitting multi-commit merge requests.
To open a merge request against a specific remote branch, the ‘lab mr create’ command can be replaced with
lab mr create origin <remote_branch_name>
The submitted merge request can be viewed by executing
lab mr list # shows a list of merge requests + lab mr show <merge_request_id>
Modifying a Merge Request
Merge requests can be modified on the command line. For example, to send a new changeset version execute
git checkout <branch_name> # make code changes git commit -s <files> git push -f _prarit_ <branch_name>
Rebasing a branch
Branches can be rebased using git. A typical action is to rebase a branch against the latest upstream main branch:
git fetch origin git rebase origin/main
Reviewer Actions
The common reviewer actions are checking out the merge request code for review, viewing a merge request’s comments, and adding comments to a merge request.
Checking out a Merge Request
A merge request can be easily checked out into a local tree by executing
lab mr list # shows a list of merge requests lab mr checkout <merge_request_id>
Patches for review can be generated by executing the usual git command,
git-format-patches -number_of_patches
Viewing a Merge Request (and comments)
A merge request can be viewed by executing
lab mr show <merge_request_id>
or, to see the merge request and it’s comments,
lab mr show <merge_request_id> --comments
Adding Comments to a Merge Request
To add a comment to a merge request, execute
lab mr note <merge_request_id>
This command will open a $GIT_EDITOR window and allow a reviewer to add comments to the merge request (Comments on the code, Acked-by:, Nacked-by:, etc.).
Avoiding GitLab Namespace Collisions
It is possible that two projects have the same name. For example, project one could be, and another project could be A user forking these projects into their namespace would end up with a collison on the name ‘kernel-test’. A user can avoid this problem by forking the project with a new name by executing
lab fork <upstream project> -n <fork_name>
In addition, lab also provides the option for the user to fork the upstream project to a different namespace (group), allowing the projects with the same name to live in different namespaces, similar to how the upstream repositories are organized. For example, an upstream project can be forked into a group by executing
lab fork <upstream project> -g <group_name>
Configuring lab command options
Lab command options can be configured globally for all GitLab trees, or locally for each GitLab tree. For example, adding
[mr_list] all = true
to ~/.config/lab/lab.toml will add --all to every execution of the ‘lab mr list’ command on a user’s system. Adding the same entry to the local .gitconfig/lab.toml will only add --all to every execution of the ‘lab mr list’ command in that specific tree.
lab options are explained in lab’s
Example with kernel-ark git tree
The above instructions surround the use of the RHEL kernel trees. The lab CLI can be used with other trees, for example, with the kernel-ark tree.
Users should follow the the kernel-ark configuration instructions at, so that the remotes are configured as
origin (fetch) origin (push) upstream (fetch) upstream (push)
To create a merge request a user would do
git checkout -b <branch_name> # make changes git commit <files> git push origin <branch_name> # push branch to fork lab mr create upstream # must be executed on branch_name
Example: Submitting v2 of a changeset
This example is based on the kernel-ark configuration instructions at, so that the remotes are configured as
origin (fetch) origin (push) upstream (fetch) upstream (push)
To submit a new version of a changeset, a user would do
git checkout -b <existing_branch_name> # make changes git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/main # this may cause an interactive rebase # make changes git push -f origin <existing_branch_name>