RHEL Kernel Workflow
The RHEL Kernel Workflow is used by Red Hat-based kernel projects including RHEL Kernels, CentOS Stream kernels, the Fedora kernel, and the Always Ready Kernel (ARK). The RHEL Kernel Workflow is built upon the standard GitLab workflow and uses GitLab Merge Requests as the only way to make changes to the Red Hat kernel.
At Red Hat, all work is directed through the analysis of user bug reports. Contributors (ie, engineers) review bugs and identify work to be completed for each bug. For each bug, a contributor codes a fix and submits the code for review. Reviewers analyze the fix, and when they are satisfied with the fix, the maintainers accept the fix into the codebase. The modified codebase is tested by Quality Engineering, and when they are satisfied with the results of testing, the Documentation team will document the changes for our customers.
This process requires coordination between multiple Engineering groups at Red Hat, using multiple tools and internal processes. The sections in this document provide details on the roles of the mentioned groups, the tools used by each group, and both inter-group and intra-group processes.
How to use this guide
This guide is written to provide contributors, maintainers, and management with an overview of their processes in the construction of a Red Hat Kernel, and also provides account setup and configuration information that is useful for all kernel development roles. This guide uses two main diagrams in the Roles section as a base to provide readers with instructions on how to contribute to Red Hat kernels.
Advanced users that have experience with this workflow can use the Processes section for information on workflow updates.
Documentation Contributor Instructions
Constructive updates and contributions are welcomed and are greatly appreciated. Contributors should understand this document focuses on the experience of engineers in different roles (maintainers, developers, reviewers, etc). Small and medium process changes should not result in changes to this top-level document. Implementation details should be kept to a minimum; please reference projects' URLs or projects' documentation instead of providing advanced details. Where possible, please reference other documents through hyperlinks in this document.
Problems or concerns with the workflow can be addressed on kernel-info@redhat.com or by filing a GitLab issue at Red Hat Kernel bug reports.
Email Bridge - An application that converts the commits associated with a GitLab Merge Request to individual emails that are currently used for review. The Email Bridge is deprecated, and only used as a bridge between the old internal email-based workflow and the GitLab-based workflow. It is scheduled to be shut down on Feb 22 2022.
Fork - see What is a GitLab Fork?
Kernel Workflow (RHEL Kernel Workflow, KWF) - The process by which changes are implemented in the Red Hat Kernel.
Merge Request (MR) - As defined by GitLab, a Merge Request (MR) is a request to merge one branch into another. It is the basic block used for information transfer between branches.
source-git: A traditional git tree used by developers everywhere for hacking on source code..
dist-git: A packaging git tree used by distro package maintainers. A git repository that contains a tarball, RPM spec file and patches. These repositories may or may not contain uncompressed source code, and are typically used by maintainers that need to construct RPMs.
There are five roles (Red Hat Contributor, Red Hat Partner Contributor, Community or Stream Partner Engineer Contributor, Red Hat Maintainer, and Red Hat Management) in the Kernel Workflow. The Kernel Workflow has three levels of public exposure for projects (Public, Private, and Secret). These projects all have source-git repositories, but only Public projects also have a dist-git repository. Two of these Public projects are the CentOS Stream and RHEL Kernels.
Each role will require a different level of code access. For example, Maintainers will require access to both source-git and dist-git repositories, while Management may only require access to statistical information from the source-git repositories.
flowchart LR subgraph GitLab subgraph Kernel Workwflow subgraph Public public_src[source-git] public_dist[dist-git] public_src-->public_dist end subgraph Private private_src[source-git] end subgraph Secret secret_src[source-git] secret_src --> private_src end end end private_src-->rh_dist public_dist-->|Sync'd|rh_dist public_dist-->|Sync'd|cos_dist subgraph Red Hat subgraph Red Hat Workwflow rh_dist[dist-git] end end subgraph CentOS subgraph CentOS Workwflow cos_dist[dist-git] end end
Public: CentOS-Stream / RHEL-9, Fedora / ARK (common)
Private: RHEL-8 (common), RHEL-9 (z-stream)
Secret: CVE, Embargo (Uncommon)
What is my role?
Determine which role you are interested in using the diagram above. Most readers of this document are a contributor or maintainer.
Red Hat Contributor
Red Hat employees can contribute to the Red Hat kernel GitLab projects as Developers or Reviewers. See the Contributor section for more details.
Red Hat Partner Contributor
Red Hat Partners can contribute to Red Hat kernel GitLab projects as Developers, and in some cases, as Reviewers. See the Contributor section for more details.
Community Contributor or Stream Partner Engineers Contributor
Community Contributors or Stream Partner Engineer Contributors can contribute to the Red Hat kernel GitLab projects as Guests. They have restricted CI and review capabilities. See the Contributor section for more details.
Red Hat Maintainer
Red Hat employees can process and commit contributions to the Red Hat kernel Gitlab projects as Maintainers for their project. See the [Maintainer] section for more details.
Red Hat Management
Red Hat managers track changes made to the Red Hat kernels. Managers that require access to the Red Hat kernel GitLab projects should review the Management section for more details.
How do I contribute?
Contributors, maintainers, and management can interact with projects through the WebUI, through API/CLI tools, or via SSH. Contributors can make direct contributions by submitting MRs to the main git tree, or make indirect contributions via submaintainers.
flowchart LR Contributor((Contributor)) Contributor --> GitLab Maintainer((Maintainer)) Maintainer --> GitLab Management((Management)) Management --> GitLab GitLab["GitLab interfaces:\nWebUI\nCLI / API\nSSH"] subgraph " " sub[Sub-main git tree] main[Main git tree] sub --> main main ~~~ sub end GitLab -- Direct --> main GitLab -- Indirect --> sub
Determine which role you are interested in from the diagram above, and read the section on that role below.
Contributors may both provide and review code to Red Hat kernel projects via GitLab Merge Requests. The contributions can occur via the GitLab WebUI, through API/CLI tools, or via SSH. Contributions can occur directly to the project or via a submaintainer.
New users should follow the Account Setup & Configuration and configure tooling for working with the Red Hat kernel trees sections below. Advanced users may optionally reference the Developer Quick Start Guide.
Developers for RHEL
Red Hat uses its own Jira instance, https://issues.redhat.com, to track feature requests and bug reports. All contributions must be associated with a Jira, so all contributors are required to have a jira account.
Contributions to Red Hat kernel projects can be rejected for both formatting, procedural, and technical concerns. Contributions must strictly adhere to the Red Hat Kernel Guidelines for Commits and Merge Requests (a.k.a CommitRules) to avoid rejections for trivial issues.
RHEL Developers can find additional information on the contribution process in the Contributor Developer Processes section.
Reviewers for RHEL
All contributions to the Red Hat Kernels must be reviewed by Red Hat engineers, however, at management discretion Red Hat Partner Engineers may be asked to review contributions.
Reviewers must examine changesets for stability, security, and other technical issues. If the changes are acceptable reviewers can respond with a positive acknowledgement (ACK), or if the changes additional refinement reviewers can respond with a rejection (NACK).
Reviewers can find instructions on providing ACKs and NACKs, and other information on the review process in the Contributor Reviewer Processes section.
Developers for kernel-ark (ARK) or Fedora
Contributors for the upstream kernel-ark tree can find details on how to contribute to the kernel-ark project in the kernel-ark WIKI.
Quality Engineering for RHEL
Quality Engineering (QE) contributors are responsible for verifying the stability and functionality of changes proposed in MRs. The QE verification process may include checking that the correct automated tests are run, manually testing the changes themselves, and/or working with non-Red Hat QE to run tests.
Most MRs are blocked until an assigned QE person verifies the stability and functionality of the changes. <TBD: Process for QE verification>.
All Red Hat QE Engineers must have a jira account. Red Hat uses its own Jira instance, https://issues.redhat.com, to track feature requests and bug reports. All contributions must be associated with a Jira so all contributors must have a Red Hat Jira account.
CI / Workflow Contributor
CI / Workflow contributors are responsible for the backend automation that implements https://gitlab.com/cki-project/kernel-webhooks project.
New users should follow the Account Setup & Configuration.
All Red Hat maintainers must have a jira account. Red Hat uses its own Jira instance, https://issues.redhat.com, to track feature requests and bug reports. All contributions must be associated with a Jira so all maintainers must have a Red Hat Jira account.
Kernel Maintainer
The maintainers integrate GitLab MRs to the Red Hat kernel stream branch, ensuring compliance with the Red Hat Kernel Guidelines for Commits and Merge Requests. They perform kernel builds for each stream, add bugs to erratas, and ensure proper bug triaging.
Kernel Submaintainer
The kernel submaintainer is a maintainer that commits and pushes changes from a forked source git tree to another source git tree (generally the main tree maintained by the kernel maintainer). Their forked source git tree should be correctly TBD:<configured link> to utilize Kernel-webhooks.
Kernel Submaintainers can use the TBD:<Patch Ready Process> to determine which MRs can be committed to the git tree.
When the submaintainer determines their tree is ready for inclusion into the main git tree, they follow the Contributor Developer Processes to submit a merge request.
Kernel Embargo Coordinator
The kernel embargo coordinator is a maintainer that handles secret commits that are not consumable for public consumption for a given amount of time. They commit and push changes from a restricted forked source git tree to another source git tree (generally the main tree maintained by the kernel maintainer).
Follow the Kernel Submaintainer section using the Embargo rules when possible.
Management is responsible for ensuring Red Hat Kernel changes are delivered according to their predetermined deadlines. Managers typically do not directly contribute to the Red Hat kernel and need to access GitLab for status and changeset information. Managers should review the Account Setup & Configuration section.
New users should follow the Account Setup & Configuration
Subsystem Team Leads
Red Hat Managers
Kernel Git Repository Information
There are many public and private source-git and dist-git repositories that are used in the construction of the Red Hat and CentOS Stream kernels. The repositories include both kernel source code control and testing (CKI) repositories.
The Red Hat Kernel Workflow uses email to inform developers about changesets they may be interested in or are responsible for reviewing. Information on the different types of notifications, including GitLab Email, CODEOWNERS, and Subsystem Labels can be found here.
The Red Hat Kernel Workflow uses GitLab and Red Hat’s Jira instance as the engines of change for the RHEL kernel. Contributors, Reviewers, Maintainers, and Managers have processes that interact with these two tools. Information and instructions for many of these processes are detailed in the subsections below.
Contributor Developer Processes
Contributors can follow these instructions to locally compile the kernel. Contributors can use the GitLab WebUI to contribute code through Merge Requests. Red Hat recommends the GitLab command line interface tool, lab, for submitting Merge Requests.
Submitting a Merge Request
Contributors can follow these general instructions on submitting an MR using the GitLab UI. Contributors to RHEL kernel projects should also follow these Red Hat specific instructions of the Commit Rules. The lab GitLab command line tool can also be used to submit Merge Requests.
The Kernel-webhooks will automatically assign reviewers based on the changeset’s code content. Changesets that modify many subsystems or drivers will result in a large number of reviewers assigned to the merge request. To avoid this problem it is strongly encouraged that Merge Request Authors follow upstream’s guidance on separating code changes: "If you cannot condense your patch set into a smaller set of patches, then only post say 15 or so at a time and wait for review and integration".
Bot Tasks and Commands
After the merge request has been created, the developer can follow the status of the automated checks and the review process using scoped labels created by the Kernel-webhooks. The checks can also be triggered again by putting webhook commands in the MR comments.
Contributor Reviewer Processes
All reviews can be completed through the GitLab WebUI. Red Hat recommends using the revumatic utility for reviews for a terminal-based experience.
Approving and Blocking Merge Requests
Red Hat Employee Contributors can follow the Merge Request Approval Procedure. In some cases, Red Hat Partner Contributors may be asked by their manager to also review Merge Requests.
Community Contributors and Stream Partner Engineer Contributors are able to participate in discussions but do not have the ability to approve or block merge requests.
Finding Merge Requests to review
Reviewers can find MRs to review by using the Merge Requests
tab on the GitLab UI for the Project, or use one of the utilities such as revumatic or rhstatus. Additionally the lab tool provides functionality to import and display MRs.
Reviewers that are interested in watching change in specific areas of the kernel should review the Notifications section.
Maintainer Patch Ready Process
Maintainers rely on Kernel-webhooks to determine if a merge request is safe to commit. Every merge request must pass a technical review, business review and testing before being approved.
To determine which patches are ready for inclusion, the maintainer can use the WebUI or the lab.
Management Process
Account Setup & Configuration
Jira Configuration
Red Hat uses its own Jira instance, https://issues.redhat.com, to track feature requests and bug reports. Red Hat requires that all contributions must be associated with a Jira so all contributors must have a Red Hat Jira account. To open a new Jira account see https://issues.redhat.com.
Red Hat employees must associate their redhat.com email address with their bugzilla account, and must be part of the "Redhat: Red Hat Employee (internal)" group. Red Hat employees can request access to the group here.
When creating a Jira for the kernel, reporters should be sure to clearly explain what the problem they encountered was, how it occurred, and if necessary, what platform (vendor and model) it was seen on. Reporters are encouraged, but not required, to provide a solution (link to an upstream patch or a suggestion for a fix, etc.). Reporters and contributors should not reuse Jiras for multiple issues or problems.
GitLab Work Environment
All Red Hat Kernels are hosted on GitLab so all contributors must set up a GitLab account to contribute to the Red Hat Kernel. Red Hat Employees are granted Developer and Reviewer status by default, and Maintainer status if necessary. Red Hat Partner Engineers are granted Developers status by default.
Red Hat contributors to Red Hat Kernel projects must configure a Red Hat GitLab account and submit merge requests through that account. Community Contributors or Stream Partner Engineer contributors to Red Hat Kernel Projects must configure a GitLab account(TBD).
This section provides recommended tooling for working with the GitLab workflow and other tooling including workflow bots and CI automation used by CI/Workflow contributors.
While Red Hat Engineers may use different tools, it is strongly recommended that Red Hat contributors use the recommended tools below. Red Hat Engineering will not provide assistance or support for custom tooling or other tooling available on the internet.
lab is a command line utility for GitLab. Similar to the widely used hub
command for github, lab provides a simple to use command line interface to many of GitLab’s UI procedures. For the Red Hat process, lab will be primarily used as a developer and maintainer tool.
Instructions on installing and configuring lab can be found here.
lab bugs can be reported by opening up issues at https://github.com/zaquestion/lab/issues.
rhstatus is a tool that combines information from GitLab and Jira and provides status information in a color coded format. rhstatus explicitly depends on the operation of the kernel-webhooks ACK/NACK bot in adding users as assignees or reviewers for MRs.
The Red Hat kernel workflow relies on services to perform continuous automation.
The core service that runs the workflow.
Location: http://gitlab.com/redhat
The webhooks services are executed in response to selected gitlab events. These hooks are generally used to automate routine merge request validation tasks, updating labels and comments in the MR as needed to reflect readiness for merge by the maintainer.
Each of the webhooks has a scoped label that each hook is responsible for managing, and each one typically contains NeedsReview or OK. Some examples include Signoff::OK, Jira::NeedsReview, Acks::NeedsReview. You can force a webhook to rerun, and for some webhooks additional detailed information back via a comment, by removing the webhook’s Merge Request label.
Source Code: https://gitlab.com/cki-project/kernel-webhooks/
Descriptions of the webhooks can be found in the kernel-webhook project’s doc/ directory, and label descriptions can be found in the project’s utils/label.yaml file.
One can subscribe to any label in GitLab, and receive any and all notifications for any merge request.
Continuous Integration (CI)
The CI service implemented by the Continuous Kernel Integration Project (CKI), is responsible for building test kernels and testing kernel changes.
We strongly encourage people new to the workflow to read the introductory CKI documentation for developers. It demystifies the process, teaches people how to take full advantage of CI and contains step by step debugging guides and answers for common questions.
Continuous Delivery (CD)
The CD service is responsible for verifying the kernel changes are ready to be released in a compose.
This will be handled by CKI.
I’ve read this document and I have questions and/or concerns. Where can I ask for help? You can ask questions on kernel-info@redhat.com or by opening an issue at the Red Hat Kernel bugreports project.
Can I use other tools with GitLab? The GitLab WebUI is supported, and Red Hat recommends lab, revumatic and rhstatus. You can use other tools, but please be aware that we cannot help you with debugging or enhancing those tools.
Is there a scratch space to work in? I want to test out my own workflow/patch tools. You can use the kernel-test git repository.
How are Jiras and GitLab Merge Requests linked? The Kernel-webhooks add a link to the MR in the associated Jiras' Links section. If the MR description was written to meet the requirements of CommitRules, then the MR will contain a link to the associated Jiras.
Can I use my gitlab.cee.redhat.com credentials on gitlab.com? No. gitlab.cee.redhat.com is a completely independent instance of GitLab. No information is shared between the two instances and we have no plans to do so. Using a token generated on one instance with the other instance will never work.
What OS versions can be used to work with the centos-stream kernel repositories and kernel workflow tools?
The current major release the latest CentOS-Stream repository is tracking and the one prior, plus any currently maintained version of Fedora. As of CentOS-Stream-9’s initial release, this means the supported developer platforms are RHEL8, RHEL9, Centos-Stream-9, Fedora 34, Fedora 35, and rawhide.