CentOS Stream Kernel Documentation
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A Kernel Developer's Guide to kABI

Contained within is a “guiding document” that can be used for people who need to understand kABI.

There can be a prohibitively restrictive burden associated with maintaining RHEL’s kABI (Kernel Application Binary Interface) commitment that persists throughout the release’s entire lifecycle if subsystem maintainers don’t proactively accommodate for upstream back-ports. RHEL kernel developers need to be aware of, and fully comprehend, such restrictions, which is the focus of this document.


You will need to have these LaTeX packages installed to be able to generate this document in PDF format.

dnf install -y texlive texlive-listingsutf8

Running make installdependencies will execute this command for you.

Note: The texlive-listingsutf8 package is provided in supported Fedora releases, but not available in RHEL.

Building the document

Running this command will create a number of files in the current working directory, but the most important of which is kABI.pdf.

pdflatex kABI.tex

Or simply running make will build it as well.